Ohio Baptist AssociationSugar Creek Missionary Baptist Church proudly associates with the churches of the Ohio Baptist Association. This association has existed for 203 years. Currently there are 12 churches that take part in the Ohio Baptist Association. The association exists only to foster cooperation and fellowship between independent Baptist churches.
The following is a list of the churches in the Ohio Baptist Association: Fairview Missionary Baptist, Wilgus, Oh Harmony Missionary Baptist, Getaway, Oh Ice Creek Missionary Baptist, Deering, Oh Jeffersonville Missionary Baptist, Coal Grove, Oh Leatherwood Missionary Baptist, Leatherwood, Oh Myrtle Ridge Missionary Baptist, Andis, Oh Myrtle Tree Missionary Baptist, Arabia, Oh New Valley Missionary Baptist, Ironton, Oh Palestine Missionary Baptist, John's Creek, Oh Royersville Missionary Baptist, Ellisonville, Oh Sheridan First Baptist, South Point, Oh Sugar Creek Missionary Baptist, Ironton, Oh |
Mark your calendars for 7-9 August at leatherwood missionary baptist!